Friday, September 27, 2013

September 27 Dream

I had a dream again, involving this guy I knew in school. I was in a house with my grandma and one of my sisters. We were talking, and then there is my friend/crush from school. He is much like he had been the last few years we were talking, and he was discussing two types of people:
  1. Ones who like potatoes
  2. Those who dislike potatoes
I chimed in at the same time as him, and said, "You're the type that hates potatoes." I am looking at him, feeling complete and utter disdain for how he has treated me, and yet I am also finding myself unable to be unhappy with him. 

And then, I woke up.

God, I miss him.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Dream I Had Earlier This Morning

I went to the supermarket with my parents (which closely resembled the Target I like to shop at that's seven miles from where I live), but the aisle leading into the store was closed off, and there was this giant metal gate/fence blocking the way. I noticed that this gate seemed to open, but no one was trying to open it. Some employees ask this crowd of people why we're standing around, and they answer they can't get in. The woman opens the gate, and apologizes for the door not staying open so people can go through it.

I am walking alongside my mom, when I see this large group of geeky guys (who don't fit the stereotype or look like they're in The Big Bang Theory) at the end of the supermarket, in what I suppose might be produce. These guys are very attractive, but one in particular with dark hair and dressed much like this approached me and put his arm around my shoulder. Being that I supposedly didn't know him, I looked at him awkwardly and like he was crazy. About ten seconds later, I do know him and we're now laughing together.

The dream now jumps to a beach or lakefront, where we're standing looking out at the water. He ends up kissing me, and I wake up feeling like I am about to meet some geeky guy (which I have no problem with) with dark hair soon.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Dream About Alexander SkarsgÄrd

I was going to the mall, to an opening of a new Bath & Body Works (in case there aren't any in Europe, they're basically a store that carries bath and body care products), which took over a bookstore or something along those lines. Because this is a weird dream, I also have to bring a "housewarming gift" with me.

Once at the mall, I go into what is supposed to be the store, but it's an office space. You have to wait for someone from the store itself to open the doors for you, so you can go in (weird, but just you wait). I walk into the store, which is a bluish color, and full of little lip balms in baskets. I am carrying around my "housewarming gift," as a male associate makes his way towards me. He had greeted me when I came in, and was very interested in me. I just got that vibe from him in the dream, especially with how he looked at me or spoke to me. I hand him the basket, but not before removing my own items that I had left inside it.

This is where things get interesting:

Alexander is standing outside the storefront, staring at me and the associate through a blue plate-glass window. He is apparently my boyfriend, and he runs off, causing me to chase him. I am yelling for him to stop running, but he's feet ahead of me (on account of his being 6'4" to my short 5'5" height). He turns to me as he's running, and chucks the green apple he'd been eating at me. It hits me in the forearm, which instantly bruises me.

"Alex! Do you realize those damn apples hurt?"

He just keeps running. By this point, the store associate has caught up with me, and continues running after Alexander (because I have slowed down to check on my arm); screaming that he ought to come back and apologize. Alex takes another apple he was eating as he ran, and throws it at the guy from Bath & Body Works, who has the same reaction as me.

It was after this, I awoke.

I am going to analyze this. I may post the results.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Recent Dreams

I've been a bit behind reporting my dreams. And I have had a productive week with them.

1) The first is a dream I had about going to a doctor's office with my sisters and my mom. Somehow, as I sit bored waiting for my sister, I am propositioned to receive a free massage. I give my information, and am led to a basement that resembles an underground warehouse with exposed steel beams and industrial items.

I get my initial massage from some person, and then my actual masseuse arrives, wearing a red plaid button-up that he takes off, revealing his fine physique. I am just kind of standing around, and then he leads me to the chair, after making adjustments to my needs. Once in the chair, I find it's quite uncomfortable. My masseuse asks me how tall I am, noticing something is up with the chair. I tell him I am 5'5", and he groans. On my paper it says I am six feet, so the chair is up too high. Then, he asks me how I much I weigh. In my head, I am wondering why my weight makes a damn difference with a massage, but I tell him. In the end, my massage never happens because of this error. I walk up a long winding staircase with my masseuse, and I am back in what resembles your typical medical office. I woke up thinking this was utterly strange.

2) My second dream involves me having a heated discussion with my dad, where I keep emphasizing each time he makes some assumption that it was my mom's idea, and not his. After a few of these, he gets annoyed, and hits my glasses in such a way that they smash onto my face. Realizing this isn't what they're supposed to feel like, I pull them off. My mom has come out, to see what the ruckus was, and as she is talking with my dad, I am trying to fix my glasses. The bridge is bent a bit, so I go to straighten them. I break the bridge, because it had been weakened. My parents gasp, and my dad apologizes. I just start crying, because I am thinking about school. I need my glasses to read.

"What am I going to do about school?" I sob, holding the broken pieces of my glasses in my hands. "How can I do my homework?"

I wake up crying, eventually realizing (about ten seconds later) that it was just a dream and that my glasses are fine, and sitting in my eyeglass case.

In analyzing this, it says:

To dream that you are crying signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In your daily lives, you tend to ignore, deny, or repress your feelings. But in your dream state, your defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of those feelings that you have repressed during the day...To wake up crying represents some suppressed hurt or previous trauma that is coming up to the surface. You can no longer suppress these emotions. They need to be dealt with head on.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Today's Dream

I awoke this morning around 6:05 just having had this dream. I tried to do an analysis, but it was so odd, that Dream Moods couldn't decipher it. And I made a video this morning to record it after having it, because I didn't feel like turning on the light to write it out, like I normally would have.

Me and my sister are in some dilapidated cabin/house that has a lot of windows. It's sunset, because the glow coming through the windows is orange. Suddenly, there is this guy I went out with a couple of times, whose name is Ryan. Ryan is there with his girlfriend (I'm assuming), and her brother. It's as if my sister and I aren't actually there, because we're never acknowledged by the three others in the room. 

Ryan drops to one knee, and begins to propose to this girlfriend. He pulls out this beautiful box, which holds two antique rings, and the actual engagement ring sparkles in the setting sunlight in the room. Her brother interjects, and says that he'll propose by proxy for Ryan. I think this is strange, but Ryan lets it proceed. He moves to the corner of the room, and watches it all go down, like nothing is odd about the whole thing. 

The proposal is finished, and Ryan is now holding a nice camera in his hands. He wants to take a few photographs of the rings on the mantelpiece in the sunlight. The brother takes the two rings; the other being a gold antique band that is hammered with a very ugly brownish-black diamond in an unusual setting, and chucks them across the room. Ryan, fiancee, and I are appalled. We all in unison say, "No, no, no, no!" I walk over to the mantelpiece and rearrange the rings so they're presentable. Ryan starts snapping photos, now having seen me, but saying nothing.

I suppose this is the moment in the dream where I realize I control its actions, and I am now in a housewares store, looking at plates. I have a sudden interest in choosing out hand-painted plates, but the kind you can eat off of, and not collect.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 10th Dream

I had another dream (this is a reoccurring one, that I was finally able to remember to write down) where if you can run fast enough, you can lift off and fly. I ended up in 1904, with the Grandpa from Meet Me in St. Louis.

I also saw Jonny Lee Miller (who currently plays Sherlock Holmes in CBS' Elementary) in period dress stubbing a cigarette walking down a lane. I think he was supposed to be the grandson of the "Grandpa" guy, because he was looking around as if he were being watched.

I flew out of this weird reality to a town I lived in while living in Oregon, but ended up in the last city I lived in Oregon before moving to California.

This dream tends to be vivid in the flying aspect, since I have vertigo. I can feel the wind on my face, and the feeling in the pit of one's stomach when in flight and looking down at the scenery below you. It was dizzying, I remember.

I am totally analyzing this one.

  • Flying-To dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.
  • Celebrity-To see a celebrity in your dream represents your beliefs and understanding about him or her. Consider what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to that quality. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty. Also consider any puns within the name.
  • Smoking-To see someone smoking in your dream, depends on your on personal associations with smoking. However, it often indicates some sort of dissension, disagreement or rebellion.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today's Dream

I can't remember much of it, but we lived in a universe where you could choose your own adventure for a life and place to live. I encountered several male celebrities, and lived in a giant Victorian with a grand staircase. As with the books, if you didn't like the adventure your life was on, you could change it.

I ended up married and encountering all kinds of unusual things.